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SMR Irrigation LTD

Your Dream Is Our Reality

SMR Irrigation LTD

Your Dream Is Our Reality

SMR Irrigation LTD

Your Dream Is Our Reality

Hosereel Mounted Booms R18 to R40


  • The rear wheels of the boom can be set from 1.5 to 4.4m wide so that all the wheels are in a tractor wheeling.
  • The boom is fully mounted on the hosereel, making transportation very simple.
  • Genuine one person operation. From fully open to fully folded takes one operator 2 – 3 minutes.
  • There is a choice of Nelson S3000 Sprayjets or R3000 Rotators configured to suit flow rates and droplet size requirements of the soil and crop.
  • Pressure regulators are used on all Nelson S3000 or R3000 nozzle assemblies ensuring a perfectly matched flow rate across all nozzles.
  • Ball valve control on all sprinkler/spray-jet outlets enables sections to be shut off to suit irrigation requirements and allows individual nozzles to be unblocked if necessary.
  • Optional combination of sprinklers and spray jets or drop pipes and spray jets to suit wide headlands and irregular shaped fields.
  • A choice of blanking plates, raingun mounting kits and end sprinklers give the booms exceptional versatility.
  • All models are equipped with a turntable allowing the boom to be set at an angle or rotated around any obstacle during irrigation.

Tough & Reliable

  • In the design process strength, longevity and user friendliness were the top 3 items on the brief. These booms are designed to last as long as the hosereel they are working with.
  • Proven lifespan of more than 20 years. Many booms from the late 1990’s are still working well with well with over 15000 hours of use.
  • All our booms are made from steel and are fully galvanised which ensures a long life span.
  • All components are manufactured using modern technology and spares are readily available for any boom we have ever made.
  • Models currently available include the R18, R24, R30 & R40 (numbers designate structural length in metres).
  • Options developed in conjunction with farmers around the world make the booms highly versatile.
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