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SMR Irrigation LTD

Your Dream Is Our Reality

SMR Irrigation LTD

Your Dream Is Our Reality

SMR Irrigation LTD

Your Dream Is Our Reality

Racecourse Irrigation

Features & benefits

  • Uniformity of water application will be 90% or more even in windy conditions and this creates a uniform and safe track.
  • One person can easily set up a machine in approximately 10 minutes.
  • Large water droplets keep wind drift and evaporation to a minimum.
  • The boom and hosereel are always working on dry ground which keeps damage to the course to an absolute minimum.
  • The high flow rate means that on average one machine can apply 5 -10mm of water to a furlong in 1 hour including moving the machine between pulls.
  • On jump courses the hydraulic raising system allows the boom to “overhang” the jump giving very even application to take off and landing areas.
  • All outlets on the boom can be turned on or off with a ball valve and sections can be folded, allowing the width to be varied to whatever is required.
  • Each outlet on the boom is pressure regulated so that the flow through each nozzle is constant, even at the furthest point from the pump where the pressure is lower.
  • The nozzle package can be set to water more on one side than the other if required which is particularly useful when watering two courses at once.
  • The application rate is varied by controlling the speed the boom is pulled along the track and can be varied from 2 to 30mm.
  • Once the machine is running the operator can get on with another job – the tractor can be moved to do other work whilst irrigation is taking place.
  • All wheels and tyres are the widest available to keep ground compaction to a minimum.
  • The PE pipe is laid down by towing the hosereel away from the boom (which is held in position with wheel chocks). This means a small tractor can be used and there is no ‘traction’ required from the tractor
  • Boom width can be tailored specifically to your track requirements
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